sábado, 20 de agosto de 2011

Tips for traveling with kids.

Tips for traveling with kids: 1. First of all, a visit to the doctor a week before the trip for vaccinations and check your overall health.

As a second priority to pack a medicine cabinet if required as allergy, flu, etc.

3. Food beverages and sealed at the time of airport check-in I do not mind, because once I step wore frozen bottles with liquid and subjected these some tests and delays longer than normal. Another way is to pass the customs control at the airport and buy bottles of water and then the plane prepared with milk and cereal food.
(Ideally lead pedriatico Pedia sure)
Include lollipops, candy, juice with straw, chewing gum (if it is a big boy), a cookie for the moment of takeoff or landing must have on hand in case you need it will help ease your ears.
5. A laptop or a portable DVD player with your favorite movies to keep you entertained for some time.

 Tips for trips to places extremes:
Costumes for skiers: underwear, intermediate layer and outer layer.
These same requirements should apply to our case of extreme cold to travel to:

Layer to absorb sweat and keep the body warm and dry.
Intermediate (fleece, jersey and so on.) Should take shelter from the cold and isolate maintaining body temperature.
Last layer, especially children, must be breathable and also properly isolate the weather (waterproof).
4. Cover your feet and hands, gloves must also be waterproof and not too thick to maintain the flexibility of the fingers.
It is also important that fit tightly at the wrists to prevent them from snow.
5. Ensuring that the socks are not too thick, it is good to fit the foot and a half. If not, can be uncomfortable and even cause scratches (the tissue temperature are very effective against the cold).
good shoes, boots, strong but flexible and impermeable to water.
Need a hat that covers ears and, if necessary, something for the neck better than a scarf, buy a panty that covers well.
7. Protection from the sun. Although not see it and clog the clouds, it is essential that children wear goggles to protect your good reflection of the sun on the snow. Let us not forget to apply a cream high level of protection across the face and lips.

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